Celebrating National Volunteer Week with 25 Years of Service

This week as we celebrate National Volunteers’ Week, we are also recognising the first member of our community to be awarded Life Membership of the Moss Vale Public School P&C.

Rozz Sparks with Principal Kathryn Hurst and Previous P&C President Tonia Krebs

Rozz Sparks (centre) with Principal Kathryn Hurst and Previous P&C President Tonia Krebs

Life membership of a School P&C Association is an honour awarded to members in recognition of the outstanding contribution they have made to the current and future wellbeing of the P&C and school community, well beyond that of a typically active member. It is therefore only to be awarded in exceptional circumstances. 

Congratulations to Roslyn Sparks for her 25 years of commitment to Moss Vale Public School.

While the leadership over the years has changed, Rozz has been the constant, always volunteering her time, sharing her wealth of knowledge, experience and understanding of the history of the school and P&C, bringing laughter to meetings, while also challenging the mindsets of her fellow P&C members, always with the school’s best interests at heart to ensure that our students are being provided with only the best.

Rozz has a long history of volunteering, even before her time as a parent at Moss Vale Public School. This has included involvement with Rotary, Quota, Meals on Wheels, The Red Cross Appeal and six years as a volunteer with the Nursing Mothers’ Association where she ran meetings as a community educator, presented ante-natal classes and then did hospital visits to new mothers with gift baskets. Prior to her children starting school here at Moss Vale Public School, she supported their local preschool KU Donkin, as a member of the parent committee of which she was the President for 2 years and fundraising co-ordinator for 3 years. Later on Rozz volunteered for 10 years at the1st Moss Vale Scout Group, including being Joey Scout Leader and Group leader, achieving her wood beads and attending the 2000 Jamboree, 12 Days volunteering in the activity transport team. Rozz is also a returning member of the Moss Vale High School P&C from 2007-2019 and 2022- present.

Rozz demonstrates wonderful community spirit as well as a strong sense of volunteering for the local community.

In supporting our school over 25 years, Rozz has not just volunteered her time, she has also held various roles, some more than once. These have included:

Rozz Sparks with previous Headteachers Denis Mudd, Principal from 1988 - 2006, Susan Hilliar from 2017 to 2020, and current Relieving Principal Kieren Corbyn.

Rozz Sparks (Centre) with previous Principals Dennis Mudd (right), Principal from 1988 - 2006, Susan Hilliar (far left) from 2017 to 2020, and current Relieving Principal Kieren Corbyn.

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Vice president

  • Executive member

  • Quarter master

  • Fundraising coordinator

  • Catering coordinator

  • Country fair coordinator

  • Grants coordinator

  • Clothing pool convener

  • Merit selection panel member (1999-present)

  • Canteen sub-committee

  • Lost property officer

  • OOSH development committee

  • Playscape committee

  • Uniform committee

Rozz has supported the school in so many ways, including being the Treasurer and founding member of the Moss Vale Community OOSH. Rozz later ran the OOSH for 16 years, alongside the canteen for 5 years, facilitating the breakfast club wellbeing project, all whilst filling many more various roles and sitting on various committees, and volunteering at school events!

On behalf of our entire school community, we would like to thank Rozz for her ongoing support. The P&C would not be the same without her.

Congratulations Rozz!


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