Welcome to the heart of our vibrant school community, the Moss Vale Public School Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association! We are excited to share our story and purpose with you, as we work hand in hand with parents, teachers, staff, and the community to shape the future for our beloved Moss Vale Public School and all of our kids.
The P&C is the parent and community organisation within the school. We are a diverse group of volunteers who work with the school to provide opportunities to advance students' wellbeing and education.
The P&C provides valuable support to the school by:
Bringing the community together with social events.
Assisting parents and the school with communication.
Fundraising for school projects.
Operating the Clothing Pool for students and carers.
Supporting the school with activities for students.
Working with the school to achieve its goals.
Our Mission
MVPS P&C are a diverse group of parent and community volunteers who work with the school to provide opportunities to advance students’ wellbeing and education.
We do this in the following ways:
We help the parent community and the school communicate with one another – for example, by giving feedback and lobbying for change.
We raise money for big projects, like capital works. And we raise money for smaller things, like classroom resources and improving the look of the school grounds.
We provide services for students and carers, like the clothing pool, and Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stalls.
We help pay for extra opportunities for the students.
We give the kids treats, like classroom parties, end-of-term sausage sizzles, fun days.
We provide opportunities for parents to get together socially.
We help the school with its activities – at sports days, in the classroom, at working bees, with the veggie garden.
We model behaviour that represents MVPS values of respect, responsibility and excellence. And we consider the school’s strategic directions in every decision we make.
We model behaviour that the P&C think is important – friendship, fun, teamwork, cooperation, volunteering, gratitude, having a go, inclusiveness, giving and receiving feedback, encouragement, being part of the wider community.
We take part in the wider Moss Vale community by supporting local businesses and other community groups.
We help each other out.
Our Governance
The MVPS P&C is a member of the P&C Federation NSW, and an ACNC Registered Charity.
We are governed by our:
We are supported by the P&C Federation NSW and regularly attend professional development opportunities, including the annual P & C Federation Conference, where we get to share ideas and strategies with other NSW P & Cs.
Meet our Current Office Bearers and Convenors
Our team is composed of passionate individuals from all walks of life, each bringing unique skills and perspectives to the table. We are parents, teachers, professionals, and community members who share a common goal: to help make Moss Vale Public School the best it can be.
The P&C office bearers and sub-committee members are elected at the Annual General Meeting in March. Each year all positions are vacated and any P&C member is welcome to nominate for a position.
Introducing our new office bearers and Sub-committee Convenors elected at the AGM on 5 March 2025:
P&C Meetings
Everyone is welcome at P&C meetings. They are held on the first Thursday of each month from 6 to 8 pm (excluding school holidays). We meet in the school staff room (the demountable next to the office).
Meetings are a great opportunity to:
meet other parents and have a say
hear from the staff about what’s happening at school
ask questions and hear about school policies and procedures
learn how you can get involved in a way that suits you.
P&C Newsletter
The newsletter is our way of strengthening bonds between the school community and the Moss Vale community. We'll tell you about the P&C's achievements and goals, and what we're grateful for. We'll help you get to know our members and supporters. And we'll keep you up to date on our activities. Enjoy!
P&C Federation NSW Resources
The P&C Federation's Hub is for ALL parents and carers of children attending public schools in NSW. It is a collaborative online space with curated resources designed to inspire and support you as you support our students.
It’s a purpose-built FREE hub and thriving online community designed to connect, inform and engage parents and carers. Its user-generated repository of content drives knowledge sharing about issues impacting all students, parents and carers.